Trampoline High-Intensity Workout for Quick Results

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) has become a popular workout method for efficiently burning calories and building cardio endurance. By combining short bursts of intense exercise with rest periods, HIIT maximizes exertion and improves cardiovascular health. Using a trampoline amp up the intensity even more for an extremely effective HIIT routine.

What is High-Intensity Workout (HIIT)?

HIIT involves alternating short intervals of high-intensity exercise with brief rest periods. A basic HIIT workout on a trampoline might include 30 seconds of intense jumping followed by 30 seconds of light bouncing or standing still. This sequence is repeated for 15-30 minutes.

The intense exertion of HIIT revs up your metabolism and continues burning calories long after the workout ends. Just a few minutes of HIIT can torch calories and strengthen your heart. It’s an efficient way to get your cardio in without spending hours exercising.

How Trampolines Enhance HIIT?

Using a trampoline as your HIIT surface adds several benefits:

  • Jumping on a trampoline requires more effort and burns more calories than regular cardio like jogging. The unstable surface engages your core and challenges your balance.
  • Trampoline rebounders absorb impact on your joints, reducing injury risk compared to high-impact moves like burpees on the floor.
  • Switching up exercises on the trampoline keeps your workout varied and challenging. The extra interest and fun motivate you to push yourself.
  • Trampolines provide a low-cost, portable workout option. You can set up a trampoline anywhere and get an intense cardio workout at home.

Choosing the Right Trampoline

Look for a trampoline made specifically for exercise, not just recreational bouncing. Quality exercise trampolines have a durable mat, reinforced springs, and a stable frame. Size options range from small 36-inch mini trampolines to larger 8×15-foot rectangular models. Pick a size that fits your space and budget.

Make sure the mat has plenty of padding for comfort and injury prevention. Thicker padding also improves stability when jumping. Choose a trampoline with a weight limit of at least 50 pounds heavier than your own weight.

Necessary Safety Equipment

Proper safety gear helps prevent injury and allows you to work worry-free:

  • Trampoline mat cover – Protects the mat from shoes that could tear it.
  • Handlebar – Grab the handlebar to stabilize yourself when needed. Look for padded and adjustable options.
  • Ceiling clearance – Leave at least 24 inches between the trampoline and ceiling to avoid head injuries.
  • Spotter mats – Place protective mats around the trampoline in case you lose balance.

Setting Up the Trampoline Area

Pick a flat, dry area with ample room around the trampoline. Make sure the space is clear of furniture and other objects that could obstruct movement or get knocked over. The trampoline should not slide around, so set it up on a non-slip surface like a carpet.

Leave a few feet between the trampoline and walls or other solid objects. Clip on the handlebar and attach the mat cover. Surround the trampoline perimeter with protective spotter mats. Adjust the handlebar to a comfortable height. Now you have a safe setup ready for trampoline HIIT!

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Basic Trampoline HIIT Exercises

A complete trampoline HIIT session includes warm-up and cool-down periods along with high-intensity intervals. Here are some examples:

Warm-up Exercises

  • Light jogging in place
  • Gentle bouncing
  • Torso twists
  • Arm circles

High-Intensity Exercises

  1. Jumping jacks – Jump up with legs spread wide, then jump again with feet together.
  2. High knees – Lift knees as high as possible with each bounce.
  3. Burpees – Jump down to plank position, do a push-up, and then jump back onto the trampoline.
  4. Squat jumps – Squat down then explosively jump up.
  5. Mountain climbers – Bring one knee to the chest at a time, alternating legs quickly.

Cool-down Exercises

  • Light bouncing
  • Marching or walking in place
  • Side bends
  • Arm & shoulder stretches

Creating a Trampoline HIIT Workout Plan

Once your trampoline is properly set up, it’s time to start bouncing! High-intensity interval training (HIIT) on a trampoline is an extremely effective cardio and strength workout. Follow these tips for creating a customized trampoline HIIT plan.

Structuring Your Workouts

The key to an effective trampoline HIIT session is alternating between short bursts of max-effort exercise and short rest periods. Structure your workouts into intervals like:


Spend 5-10 minutes warming up with light jogging and dynamic stretches to raise your heart rate, lubricate your joints and prepare your body for more intense exercise.

High-Intensity Intervals

Perform 30-90 seconds of a challenging exercise like tuck jumps or skaters, followed by 30-90 seconds of rest. Repeat for a series of intervals based on your fitness level. Start with 10-15 intervals and work up to 20-25.


Finish with a 5–10-minute cool-down of slower bouncing and static stretching to gradually bring down your heart rate and prevent injury.

Timing Intervals

Finding the right work/rest interval balance maximizes calorie burn and improves endurance. Use these timing recommendations:

Beginner: 30 seconds work, 90 seconds rest

Intermediate: 45 seconds work, 60 seconds rest

Advanced: 60 seconds work, 30 seconds rest

You can also try pyramid intervals, gradually decreasing rest times and increasing work times.

Progression and Variety

Adding progression and variety keeps your body challenged and engaged. Try these strategies:

  • Increase workout difficulty week-to-week by doing more intervals, reducing rest times or using more advanced exercises.
  • Change up exercises each session – jogging, tuck jumps, high knees, plyometric lunges, burpees, and more.
  • Use arm movements – punches raises, and crosses – to incorporate the upper body.
  • Add props like resistance bands and weights.
  • Do sideways and backward bounding to hit different muscles.

Benefits of Trampoline HIIT

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) on a trampoline offers many health and fitness benefits beyond typical cardio workouts.

Weight Loss and Fat Burn

The rapid bursts of high-intensity bouncing followed by rest periods spike your heart rate, increasing calorie and fat burn. The accelerated vertical motion engages more muscles throughout your body compared to regular cardio equipment. This metabolic boost helps reduce body fat.

Cardiovascular Health

Jumping on a trampoline provides an excellent cardiovascular workout, strengthening your heart and lungs. The anaerobic HIIT intervals improve stamina and endurance better than steady-state cardio. Enhanced circulation and lung capacity support overall cardiovascular health.

Improved Balance and Coordination

Balancing and rebounding on a bouncy, unstable surface requires core strength and engages stabilizer muscles. This improves coordination, balance, and proprioception – your body’s awareness of its position in space. Better balance and stability reduce injury risk.

Low Impact on Joints

The trampoline’s bounce absorbs impact and stress that can damage joints and connective tissues. Trampoline HIIT offers an intensive cardio workout with less pounding on your skeleton compared to running on hard surfaces. The low-impact benefits make it ideal for individuals with joint problems.

Safety Tips and Precautions

While trampoline HIIT offers many advantages, it is an intense activity. Follow these tips to exercise safely:

Proper Form and Technique

Maintain an upright posture and engaged core during all exercises. Land softly with bent knees to absorb impact. Avoid bouncing too high or moving in ways that put strain on your muscles and skeleton. Keep total control over your movements.

Warming Up and Cooling Down

Always warm up before and cool down after trampoline HIIT to minimize injury risks from sudden intense exercise. Dynamic warm-ups and gentle bouncing prepare your body. Slow cool-downs aid recovery.

Listening to Your Body

Pay attention to any pain or discomfort signals from your muscles, joints or cardiovascular system. Modify or stop an exercise if you feel at risk of injury or overexertion. Build up your workout duration gradually. Stay hydrated.

Incorporating Trampoline HIIT into Your Routine

Aim for 2-3 trampoline HIIT sessions per week, with rest days in between. Start with 10-15 minutes and increase duration as your fitness improves. Use it as a stand-alone workout or combine it with strength training for a well-rounded program. Trampoline HIIT is a fun, effective exercise you can look forward to.


Trampoline HIIT offers an efficient, low-impact cardio and strength workout. The metabolic benefits boost fat burn and cardiovascular health while improving balance, stability, and coordination – all with minimal joint stress. Follow basic safety precautions for an enjoyable, stimulating workout you can incorporate into your regular fitness routine.

Frequently Asked Question

How long does it take to see results from the trampoline?

Typically, you may start noticing results from trampoline workouts within a few weeks of consistent exercise. The exact timeframe varies based on factors like frequency of sessions, intensity, and individual fitness levels. Regular bouncing can improve cardiovascular health, tone muscles, and enhance balance and coordination. For significant changes, aim for at least 3 to 4 sessions per week, combined with a balanced diet.

Does jumping on a trampoline make you faster?

Jumping on a trampoline primarily enhances leg strength and cardiovascular fitness, but it doesn’t directly contribute to speed improvement. While it builds muscle and stamina, speed gains are better achieved through targeted sprint and agility training. Trampolining offers a fun workout, but for speed, focus on specific drills and exercises designed to boost your pace and agility.

Is trampoline better than running?

Both trampolining and running offer unique benefits. Trampolining can be gentler on the joints while still providing a great cardiovascular workout. It also engages various muscle groups and improves balance. Running, on the other hand, is a weight-bearing exercise that strengthens bones and burns calories efficiently.

The choice between them depends on personal preferences, fitness goals, and any physical limitations. Both activities contribute to overall health and fitness when done regularly.

What is 10 minutes of rebounding equal to?

10 minutes of rebounding is comparable to a 30-minute jog, offering an efficient cardiovascular workout. It engages major muscle groups, boosts metabolism, and enhances lymphatic circulation.

This low-impact exercise burns calories, tones muscles, and improves balance and coordination. Its benefits include increased energy levels, reduced stress, and improved overall well-being.

How fast can you lose weight on a trampoline?

The rate of weight loss on a trampoline varies depending on factors like intensity, duration, and consistency of your workouts. Jumping on a trampoline can burn calories effectively, potentially leading to weight loss over time.

Combining trampoline exercises with a balanced diet can expedite results. Results may differ for each individual, but with regular trampoline workouts and a healthy lifestyle, noticeable changes can occur within weeks.

Last Updated on February 13, 2024

Kai Wayne

Kai Wayne

In the last few years, I have gathered tons of experience in dealing with different sorts of problems that one can face while using trampolines. I run this site to offer helpful information you can rely on.

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