How Much Space You Need for a Trampoline?

The first thing you should think about before buying a trampoline is the space. So, how much space do you need for a trampoline?

It depends on the size of the trampoline. But whatever size it is, a trampoline should have at least 3-4 ft. of free space around it if there is an enclosure net covering the trampoline. If you can keep more clear space, then that’s better. Not having enough empty space around can be a risk for kids who’ll be jumping on the trampoline.

However, let’s dive deep into how much space is needed for trampolines and the reason behind the extra space requirement.

Space Requirement for Trampolines

For the safety of the jumpers, a trampoline should have good space clearance around it and right above it. Here’s why:

Trampoline Space

Needed Space around the Trampoline 

Kids are unpredictable, which is why it’s mandatory to take all precautions needed. Keeping a good amount of clear space around the trampoline is mandatory so that even if, by accident, someone jumps off the trampoline, they will land on a flat surface.

Now imagine what might happen to someone who jumps out of the trampoline and lands on trees, fences, or anything more hazardous. That’s why many experts recommend keeping at least 3-4 ft clear space around; the more you can keep, the better it is.

Don’t forget to cover the entire trampoline from the side with a good-quality enclosure net that’ll prevent kids from jumping out of the trampoline. And if you’re not using a net, then make sure to keep at least 7-8ft clear space around.

So, if you’re buying a trampoline that is 10 x 10ft and will be using an enclosure net, it’ll be wise to keep at least 13 ft long and wide space. Otherwise, you’re looking at an 18 by 18ft area. 

Needed Space above the Trampoline 

Not only side space, but you also need good clearance right above the trampoline; otherwise, kids are going to hit their heads on whatever it is on the top.

Kids will compete with each other in jumping; one will try to jump higher than the other one.

And your kid getting tangled with wires or hitting the branches is the last thing you want, right? Therefore, you need to keep at least 25ft of clear space right above the trampoline. 

Don’t place the trampoline under the big trees; the falling branches can damage or even tear the jumping mat. Not only that, bird dung and tree leaves are going to make the trampoline extremely dirty.

How much space do i need for various sizes of trampoline?

Trampolines are a great way for children and adults alike to get some exercise and have fun in the backyard. However, before you invest in a trampoline, it’s important to consider the amount of space you will need for safe and enjoyable jumping.

Standard 12-foot Trampoline

For a standard 12-foot trampoline, you will need a minimum of 24 feet of clear space in all directions around the trampoline. This allows for enough clearance for jumpers to safely land and avoid any potential hazards. Here are some tips to keep in mind when setting up a 12-foot trampoline:

  • The area where the trampoline will be located should be at least 24 feet wide and 24 feet long.
  • Avoid setting up the trampoline near trees, fences, or other obstacles that could pose a hazard to jumpers.
  • Consider installing a safety net around the trampoline to prevent falls and injuries.

14-foot Trampoline

If you opt for a larger trampoline, such as a 14-foot model, you will need even more space. For a 14-foot trampoline, you should have at least 28 feet of clear space in all directions. Here are some tips to keep in mind when setting up a 14-foot trampoline:

  • The area where the trampoline will be located should be at least 28 feet wide and 28 feet long.
  • Make sure there are no overhead hazards, such as tree branches or power lines, that could interfere with jumping.
  • Consider using an anchor kit to secure the trampoline to the ground and prevent it from tipping over in high winds.

16-foot Trampoline

For a 16-foot trampoline, you will need even more space than a 14-foot model. You should have at least 32 feet of clear space in all directions. Here are some tips to keep in mind when setting up a 16-foot trampoline:

  • The area where the trampoline will be located should be at least 32 feet wide and 32 feet long.
  • Consider adding a safety enclosure or net to prevent falls and injuries.
  • If you live in an area with high winds or severe weather, consider taking down the trampoline and storing it during storms.

Additional Tips 

The best place to set a trampoline would be grassy grounds; they’re soft and don’t let trampolines move much when jumping. The best thing about it is even if someone jumps out of the trampoline accidentally and lands on the grassy ground, there will be less chance of getting injured.

Let’s have a look at places where you shouldn’t set the trampoline:

  • Try your best not to set the trampoline on concrete floors. They’re rough, which will wear the trampoline legs out in no time. Plus, if someone accidentally lands on the floor, injury can be severe.
  • Do not place the trampoline on a deck because the frequent jumping impacts can break the wooden deck. Moreover, a trampoline can move easily on a deck, which can be very dangerous, as kids might not feel that the trampoline is moving. Furthermore, the trampoline can damage the deck wood.
  • Lastly, never ever set a trampoline near a pool or a pond. Doesn’t matter whether your kids know swimming or not; placing a trampoline near anything like that can be extremely risky.

Kids will try to jump into the water from the trampoline, and if they accidentally fall on the edge of the pool, that’s going to hurt really bad. 

Space needed in the backyard for trampoline


So if we sum up the entire guide, what we get is, it’s best to keep at least 7 – 8 ft. of free space around the trampoline. For any reason, if that’s not possible, then 3 – 4 ft. of empty space would work if you cover the trampoline with a strong enclosure net. And that’s how much space you need for a trampoline.

Frequently Asked Question

What is the ideal location for a trampoline?

Choose a level area in your yard that is free from obstructions such as fences, trees, or rocks. It’s best to place the trampoline on a soft, impact-absorbing surface like grass or mulch. Avoid positioning it on concrete or hard surfaces, as they can increase the risk of injuries.

How much vertical clearance is needed above the trampoline?

It is crucial to have ample vertical clearance above the trampoline to ensure safe jumping. Remove any low-hanging branches, clotheslines, or other potential obstacles. Ideally, allow for a minimum vertical clearance of 20 feet above the trampoline, as this will provide sufficient space for high jumps and flips.

Can I place a trampoline indoors?

While it’s technically possible to install a trampoline indoors, it is not recommended due to safety concerns. Trampolines require significant space, high ceilings, and proper ventilation to minimize risks. It’s advisable to use trampolines outdoors where there is ample room and a natural environment for safer use.

Are there any regulations or restrictions on trampoline placement?

Trampoline regulations and restrictions may vary depending on your location. It is essential to check with your local authorities or homeowner’s association for any specific guidelines or requirements. Some areas may have rules regarding setbacks, fences, or even complete bans on trampolines, so be sure to familiarize yourself with the local regulations.

What are the considerations for in-ground trampolines?

In-ground trampolines offer a sleeker appearance and easier access, but they still require sufficient space. Ensure that the chosen area is wide and long enough for the trampoline dimensions, considering the safety clearance on all sides. In-ground trampolines also need proper drainage to prevent water accumulation.

Last Updated on August 14, 2023

Kai Wayne

Kai Wayne

In the last few years, I have gathered tons of experience in dealing with different sorts of problems that one can face while using trampolines. I run this site to offer helpful information you can rely on.

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