Why Does My Trampoline Fold Up?

It must break your heart when an expensive item like a trampoline folds up. You are not alone. Many people often ask, “why does my trampoline fold up?”

It can happen for so many different reasons. The most common reason is that you haven’t installed it correctly. A trampoline is a large device that takes quite a lot of space and equipment to install. So, if any single thing goes wrong, the trampoline may collapse.

Other things may also be to blame for the folding problem. Here, we are going to shed light on those. So, keep on reading to discover more about this topic.

Why Does Trampoline Fold Up?

Trampoline owners often suffer from this folding issue. And if you are a new trampoline user, it might scare you to death if something wrong happens to your precious device. Let’s see why it actually happens.

Common Assembly Issues

Installing a trampoline is not an easy job. Even after following the instructions, people can make mistakes. When putting together a trampoline, there are numerous issues to address.

If you want this device to work properly, you must pay attention to every detail. Frame placement, spring placement, and mat placement are extremely crucial. A small mistake while setting up the trampoline can lead to it folding up.

Too Many People Jumping on the Trampoline

Every trampoline comes with a certain weight limit. The springs and mat are designed in such a way that they can withstand a specific amount of pressure. And when you exceed that number, the trampoline collapses.

That’s why, while jumping on a trampoline, make sure the number of people who can access it is not greater than the trampoline allows.

Weather Issues

Harsh weather conditions are another reason for your trampoline to fold up. Usually, we install a trampoline in an exposed area like the backyard.

And as this is a large and space-consuming device, after installing it, we often leave it behind no matter what the weather conditions are. Extreme weather conditions like heat, cold, and rain can damage the product in many ways.

The metal spring can expand on hot summer days or get shrunken in the icy cold winter. Besides, the mat and metal base can be damaged by harsh weather as well.

Low Quality Material

The quality of the materials is extremely important if you want your trampoline to function correctly and don’t end up folding. Because of the high price, those who cannot afford it look for cheaper options.

Poor Fabric

The cheap trampolines are made of cheap material as well. And those shabby materials will not perform the same as the sturdy ones. The inexpensive ones are most likely to end up folding in the middle of the activity.

Uneven Ground

The reason behind the bounce of a trampoline is that it occurs because of kinetic energy. We can describe it with different laws of physics. In other words, the pressure that you put on the mat should distribute evenly to bounce you back in the air.

But if you keep the trampoline on uneven ground, it won’t be able to spread the force evenly, which may lead to severe accidents and the folding up of the device as well. So, place your trampoline on an even surface to avoid any such situations.

How to Fix a Fold Up Trampoline?

It is not impossible to fix a trampoline that has folded up. But depending on the condition, you can determine how much effort it needs and if it is worth the effort.

Identify the Damaged Area

A sudden fold-up of a trampoline can affect different parts of the device. For example, it can be the base, ring, mat, or even springs. So, before you start fixing the trampoline, do a proper inspection of every inch of the device and determine the damaged areas.

The areas you should give more attention to are the base tube, jumping mat, springs, ring, safety net, frame pad, etc. After determining the affected area, take the necessary steps to fix it.

Straighten the Folded Area

After inspecting the affected area, try to fold it back safely. If any parts get ripped off or cracked, then trying to fix them is not a good idea.

In that case, you need to think about replacing the damaged parts of the trampoline instead of repairing them.

Reassemble If Necessary

Sometimes the damage can be so great that you might need to tear every part of the trampoline down and reassemble the whole trampoline with new parts. And while doing that, you can get professional help to avoid having the same issue occur again.

Re Assemble Trampoline

Final Words

Not everyone can assemble a trampoline perfectly. Although most manufacturers say that their trampolines are easier to install and you can do it just by following the manual, the reality is quite the opposite.

It is difficult to achieve the perfect finish just by following the instructions. And that’s when accidents happen. We have tried to answer the question, “why does my trampoline fold up?” Hopefully, you have got the reasons behind this mishap helpful. And now you know how to fix it.

Frequently Asked Question

Why does my trampoline feel loose?

Your trampoline may feel loose due to several reasons. First, check the bolts and nuts; they might need tightening. Also, inspect the springs; they could be worn out or broken. If the frame is bent or damaged, it can cause instability. Ensure the legs are firmly planted on the ground. Excessive use or exposure to harsh weather can also contribute. Regular maintenance and proper assembly can prevent this issue.

Does it matter if the trampoline mat is upside down?

No, it’s crucial to install the trampoline mat correctly. Placing it upside down can compromise safety and performance. The mat’s design and stitching are specifically engineered to withstand the stress of jumping. Incorrect installation might lead to tearing, causing accidents. Always follow manufacturer instructions to ensure proper setup.

What will damage a trampoline?

Several factors can damage a trampoline. Exposure to harsh weather conditions like heavy rain, snow, or extreme sunlight can deteriorate the fabric and springs over time. Improper use, such as exceeding weight limits or jumping with sharp objects, can also cause damage.

Last Updated on February 10, 2024

Kai Wayne

Kai Wayne

In the last few years, I have gathered tons of experience in dealing with different sorts of problems that one can face while using trampolines. I run this site to offer helpful information you can rely on.

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