Trampoline History Facts: A Journey Worth Remembering

Jumping on a trampoline is not just a backyard hobby! It’s an amazing workout regime and an Olympic sport as well! And when you’re on that thing, you’ll forget about this tedious world for a while; that’s something astonishing.

Well, if you’re a trampoline lover, you might be interested in the history of this equipment. Like, who invented this and why was Trampoline named “Trampoline”?

Don’t worry; as we’re trampoline lovers like you, we’re dedicating this write-up to this remarkable equipment. Yes, in this Trampoline History Facts: A Journey Worth Remembering article, you’ll learn every astounding detail about your favorite sports equipment.

What are we waiting for? Let’s jump into that part right away!

Trampoline History Facts: A Journey Worth Remembering

Though the structure of the Trampoline seems quite contemporary, it was actually invented in 1934. And the inventor was George Peter Nissen, a gymnast, who later became an inventor. He devoted his whole life to modernizing the Trampoline and succeeded in his mission.

Therefore, to get all the historical facts about Trampolines, you must know about Nissen and his life. So, let’s start with that.

Trampoline 1

Who is George Peter Nissen?

Nissen was from Blairstown, Iowa, and he was a brilliant gymnast in high school. And when he was in college, he won three NCAA gymnastics championships, so you can see he was gifted.

In 1930, the idea of a Trampoline came to Nissen’s mind. He was inspired by the trapeze artists and their usage of safety nets. He thought it would be an amazing thing to practice his tumbling.

The trapeze artists used safety nets for tumbling while performing their acts. And Nissen kept this idea in his mind and started working on a prototype of his unique device.

Trampoline History

Later, he teamed up with his coach Larry Griswold and created a prototype using just rubber springs, an angle rod, and a canvas bed in 1936. And that’s how history was made!

George Nissen named his creation Trampoline, based on the Spanish word “Trampolín,” which means the diving board. After inventing the prototype, he used it to train children at summer camps. It was not only a good sport but also a great source of entertainment.

In 1937, he trademarked Trampoline and went to different exhibitions to promote this equipment. It instantly became the talk of the town, and the sales started to rise. After that, Nissen and Griswold established their “Griswold-Nissen Trampoline and Tumbling Company” in Iowa. But that was just the beginning of an era.

The Journey of Trampoline – All the Way up to the Olympics

We know that Trampoline is in the Olympics now. But this journey wasn’t made in a day. Before it went to the world’s biggest sporting event, Trampoline made significant progress during WWII.

During World War II, the United States Navy Flight School used this equipment to train their pilots and navigators. Trampoline training made the officers more flexible; they got rid of their fear of heights and twists and turns became much easier for them.

Furthermore, this routine also boosted the core strength, which was mind-blowing.

After conquering WWII, George Nissen went on Europe tours to popularize the idea of the Trampoline. He also promoted this equipment in the Soviet Union, which was a pretty successful venture.

Finally, in 1956, he established his own manufacturing company with Ted Blake in England. But it was not the end; Nissen wanted more. He wanted Trampoline to be in the Olympics.

Though Trampoline became world famous, it earned its place in the Olympics in 2000. George Peter Nissen attended the Summer Olympics in Sydney with his daughter Dian Nissen and saw his dream come true.

He also attended the 2008 Beijing Olympics with his daughter and grandson, where he was honored to test the Trampoline before starting the event.

George Nissen fought hard to establish his creation in history. In the 70s, other companies tried to replicate his creations. The name Trampoline became a common word for rebounding equipment. Still, in 1980, Nissen’s company was able to cease all those operations, which was pretty inspiring.

Historical Facts of Trampoline – All the Intriguing Remarks

When we go through the history of the Trampoline, we can see that the inventor and his team worked tooth and nail to make their creation more convenient than ever. It was a unique idea that came to life and won people’s hearts. And some amusing facts about this invention will surely make you delighted. So, let’s take a look at those.

Trampoline in NASA

NASA also uses Trampoline to train their astronauts. In a zero-gravity environment, one has to deal with constant bouncing. Therefore, trampoline training really comes in handy.

The First Animal on Trampoline

To promote his ultimate creation, George Nissen jumped on the Trampoline with a kangaroo. This event took place in Central Park, New York City. Well, it was one of the greatest highlights in the history of this incredible equipment.

Record of the Longest Time Bouncing

Yes, there’s a record of the longest time bouncing on the Trampoline. It happened in 1986; six men bounced on it for 53 days straight. They came from the Delta Epsilon Fraternity of Cleveland State University.

Establishment of Trampoline Parks

To entertain all the trampoline lovers out there, trampoline parks were founded in the 1960s. But you can find this equipment in almost every household as it comes in a more convenient size now.

The Highest Record for Trampoline Back Flips

Lucas Laurent set the record for the highest number of backflips on a trampoline. He performed 49 backflips in a minute, which seemed unbelievable!

Jumping at the Pyramid

George Nissen really went the extra mile when it came to the Trampoline promotion. He sponsored a group of American athletes on tour to Egypt. Then he went on that tour with the team and his son-in-law; he placed the Trampoline on a flat-topped pyramid and did some jumping.

Final Words

So here we’re, at the end of our Trampoline History Facts: A Journey Worth Remembering chronicle. Well, Trampoline is now pretty common; you’ll find them in every other household.

And thanks to George Nissen, we can now entertain ourselves and get incredible physiques simultaneously. If you follow the safety protocols, you’ll only see the thrilling part of this equipment, none of the awry experiences. Well, that’s the goal, isn’t it?

Frequently Asked Question

What was the original purpose of the trampoline?

The original purpose of the trampoline was for training acrobats and gymnasts.

How did the trampoline evolve over time?

Over time, the trampoline evolved from a training tool to a popular recreational activity for people of all ages.

When did trampolining become a competitive sport?

Trampolining became a competitive sport in the 1940s.

Are there any famous trampolinists?

Yes, there are many famous trampolinists, including individuals who have competed in the Olympics and international trampolining championships.

Is trampolining considered a form of exercise?

Yes, trampolining is considered a form of exercise as it helps improve cardiovascular health, coordination, and muscle strength.

Can trampolines be used for therapeutic purposes?

Yes, trampolines are often used for therapeutic purposes, such as in physiotherapy and rehabilitation, to aid in balance, coordination, and muscle development.

Last Updated on August 25, 2023

Kai Wayne

Kai Wayne

In the last few years, I have gathered tons of experience in dealing with different sorts of problems that one can face while using trampolines. I run this site to offer helpful information you can rely on.

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