Common Trampoline Injuries and How To Prevent Them?

Those who have used trampolines know that they are vulnerable to scrapes and cuts. Bruises and sprains are two of the most common injuries that have been in the limelight. Nowadays, we see even bigger problems, such as fractures and concussions.

If you want to know more about trampoline injuries, then you are here at the right place. Keep in mind that injuries are a part of acrobatic sports, and you can only be watchful of them.

Today we will discuss common trampoline injuries and how to prevent them. We hope this write-up will help you be more cautious the next time you hit the jumping mat. 

Without further ado, let’s dive into the topic.

Common Trampoline Injuries

When using a trampoline, you are prone to taking some hits and getting cuts and bruises. The seriousness can vary from person to person. You might suffer from minor cuts to big gashes.

In the worst-case scenario, you might end up having broken bones or a concussion. Here is a list of injuries that you may encounter.


Rubbing against the mat for too long can cause scrape on your skin. Trampolines consist of springs and metal framings that can eventually harm you if they are not covered properly. 


Interacting with uncovered springs can cause cuts easily. Sometimes falling from the trampoline can bring forth cuts due to interaction with sharp materials on the ground. 

Neck Injury (Whiplash) 

Another common issue with using a trampoline is that you have chances of encountering whiplash, a type of neck injury. This usually happens when your neck moves back and forth erratically. 

Neck Pain

Your body might fall on the mat from certain angles that can injure your neck muscles. With whiplash, you will experience neck stiffness and pain. You can have whiplash when you over-rotate your body or, at times, try to look upwards when making flips.


Sometimes overworking on particular areas of your body can result in bruise marks. Bruises are exhibited on your skin when the blood vessels leak blood and trap it under the skin. 

Usually, these spots are red to purplish and might feel tender when touched. Bruise spots on ankles and knees are pretty common among trampoline users. Don’t confuse bruises with cuts. With cuts, you will bleed, but with a bruise, your skin will change colors and be sensitive to pain.


Muscle Sprain

You get a sprain when your muscle gets torn up or stretched. When using a trampoline, you flex your body parts and move them a lot. Chances are you will twist your shoulders, ankles, or legs and trigger the muscles to tear. This is what we call a muscle sprain, which hurts badly.

The most targeted area for sprain and strain is the ankles. Mild strains and sprains are treatable at home using ice packs and proper rest. 

TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury)

This is the most feared injury, according to us. Most trampoline users complain about having TBI to some extent. Also known as concussion, this can affect your brain function for a certain time limit.

As you jump on the trampoline, it’s unpredictable how you will land on the mat unless you have professional-level body control. Most people fall on their heads from the trampoline surface and end up with a concussion or even injuries.

Having two or three people jump on a trampoline together can lead to a catastrophic impact.

What Can Trigger Trampoline Injuries?

You can fall from the chair and end up with the pain dilemma. Similarly, when using a trampoline, many things can bring forth injuries. It can be your way of using the trampoline, your lack of control, or even the trampoline itself can be faulty. Here are some basic causes of trampoline injuries.


Trying to do tricks on the mat can result in injuries. Now you might be wondering, what’s wrong with doing tricks? Nothing wrong; it’s just that you need to have proper control of your body when doing all the showboating.

If you are not comfortable with stunts, stay away from them; experimenting can cause injuries without warning. As for the thrill seekers, you better be geared properly when nurturing the trickster inside you.

Lack of Safety Equipment

Have you seen people wearing shin pads, elbow pads, and knee pads while jumping on a trampoline? Well, that’s because they want to safeguard them from possible injuries. Not wearing them can result in taking hits on your body, and you’ll end up being injured.

Not having a helmet is another fault that can lead to brain-related injuries.

Using Old Worn-Out Trampolines 

Even if you are extremely cautious and skillful in avoiding injuries, there are chances that jumping on old trampolines can result in physical damage. Imagine having a trampoline with weak spring tension or broken frame components. Well, sooner or later, a catastrophe will strike.

Using Trampoline in Windy Conditions

Sometimes it’s hard to control your body when using a trampoline; imagine meeting heavy wind in that phase. This can surely prove fatal at times! Therefore, using a trampoline in adverse weather conditions is highly discouraged.

Improper Installation

To utilize a trampoline, you must first know how to set it up. Rushing into things and a lack of knowledge can have a faulty outcome when it comes to installation. 

For example, if the frame is not put with precision, the chances are it will break and eventually injure you. The springs have to be in perfect order. Also, the legs, mats, and all other components need to line up properly; only then you can avoid injuries.

Ways to Prevent Trampoline Injuries

  1. Try to avoid flips. For successful back flips or front flips, you will need a proper skillset, or else you might end up hurting yourself by landing on your neck or head area.
  2. Don’t let kids below 10 years old try the trampoline. If your children love to use the trampoline, always be there to supervise their moves. 
  3. Wear safety gear no matter what. Safeguarding your head and leg areas should be your priority. Get a helmet, knee guard, shin guard, etc. 
  4. Make sure that the trampoline is placed properly. Anchoring the trampoline is a must to avoid unnecessary movements. 
  5. Look for broken parts. If you see any problems on the frames, rails, or even the mat, get it fixed immediately.
  6. Try to make the jump in the center area of the trampoline. Avoid the sides, as you might be tossed out of the trampoline without any warning.
  7. Use safety nets to avoid falling from the trampoline. 
  8. Avoid overcrowding. The best way to utilize a trampoline is to follow the one-person-at-a-time rule. This will cut down the chances of impact with one another. 

Final Thoughts

If you want to purchase a trampoline, we have to remind you that it comes with some drawbacks, one of which is that it can cause injuries. This article is dedicated to highlighting common trampoline injuries and how to prevent them

Apart from minor cuts and bruises, there are chances that you might end up with TBI, muscle strains, and other injuries. The best you can do is take safety precautions to lower the chances.

Always check your trampoline for any broken parts, repair and replace them when needed, avoid showboating with tricks, shy away from overcrowding and keep your children under supervision when they use the trampoline. 

Rather than being worried about injuries, be alert, be careful. Don’t hold yourself back!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is the Most Common Trampoline Injury?

Bruises are pretty common, but we have to keep concussions in the pole position. 

How Many People Are Injured While Using Trampolines?

Around 100,000 kids are known to be admitted to the hospital each year due to trampoline injuries

Are Trampolines Safe?

The American Academy of Pediatrics discourages the use of trampolines for kids below 6 years old. Moving on to overall safety, you can use a trampoline safely if certain precautions are taken. 

Avoiding stunts, wearing protective gear, and using trampoline nets are a few precautions among many. You might want to read the article again to learn more about the ways to avoid injuries

Last Updated on August 14, 2023

Kai Wayne

Kai Wayne

In the last few years, I have gathered tons of experience in dealing with different sorts of problems that one can face while using trampolines. I run this site to offer helpful information you can rely on.

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