How to Clean a Trampoline: A Definite Guideline

It’s very simple to clean a trampoline as long as you follow the right guideline. And if you are someone who’s looking for an in-depth guide on how to clean a trampoline, a definitive guideline is ready for you here. 

You can sweep all the dirt and debris off a dry trampoline mat with a sweeper. And in wet conditions, water washing should do the job. However, if the mud, debris, bird droppings, etc., get solidified, then you can scrub them off with a soft detergent.

We’ve prepared a step-by-step guide on how you can clean a dirty trampoline effectively. Have a look! 

Clean Trampoline

Step-by-Step Guide to Cleaning Your Trampoline Effectively 

Cleaning a trampoline is super easy; it’s no rocket science. All you need is a proper guideline and a bunch of tools that’ll help you with the cleaning. Here’re the needed tools:

  • A broom for sweeping
  • A hosepipe
  • Bristle brush
  • Scrubbing sponge
  • Soft detergent
  • A bucket

1. Sweep the Trampoline Pad 

The most common way of cleaning the trampoline pad is by sweeping it with a soft broom. It’s the easiest! 

When trampolines are left uncovered, dirt, debris, and dust accumulate there. If the trampoline is in your backyard, then you might find leaves and pebbles on the mat as well. And that could be extremely damaging for the mat.

Pebbles on the mat will not only damage the mat but can also injure the kids who’ll be jumping on that trampoline.

However, dust, debris, and pebbles can be removed with a few simple sweeps. But make sure to pick a soft broom; rough ones might tear the mat.

And before you start sweeping the mat, make sure to remove the safety pad so that dirt and pebbles won’t be trapped in between the mat and the safety pad.

Having said that, sweeping won’t be effective if the trampoline mat is wet and muddy. Sweeping will make the situation even worse. So, when the mat is wet, and there is mud, bird drops, etc., you’ll need to wash it with water.

2. Water Wash the Mat

Before you water wash the mat, make sure to remove the safety net if that’s not dirty and doesn’t need cleaning. It’d also be great if you could remove the safety pads, too. 

When the trampoline mat is muddy, filled with bird droppings, and has mildew and other sticky unpleasant stuff that happens due to rain and snow, then sweeping isn’t going to help; you’ll need to water wash it.

And to do that effectively, you’d want to lift one side of the trampoline and then spray water with a garden hose so that the dirt, debris, mud, etc., will mud, etc. will get washed away easily.

Sometimes, when the trampoline is left exposed to rain and snow for a long time, mud, mildew, and mold can get solid and hard to remove with normal garden hose water speed.

In that case, you can keep applying water to the dirt and, at the same time, brush it off. That should remove any dirt and mud from the mat. 

Whatever happens, don’t ever use the pressure washer’s fast spray on the trampoline mat; even if that doesn’t tear the mat right away, it’ll weaken the mat for sure.

And also, check if the springs and the metal parts around the trampoline are galvanized or not. If not galvanized, then you’d want to dry them up as soon as possible.

You can either use a dry cloth or a hair dryer, but be careful when using a dryer; excess heat can warp the metals.

3. Scrub with a Detergent 

If you’ve left the trampoline out for a long time uncleaned, then there’s a high chance that the mud, dirt, and grime have solidified.

And even if you can remove them with water spray, they’ll leave stains on the mat, which need to be removed by a thorough scrubbing with a soft detergent.

Plus, moss and mildew growth needs to be removed by hand; otherwise, they’re going to make the entire mat smelly.

So, here’s what you’d want to do:

Take a decent amount of dishwashing solution, and mix that in a bucket of water. Make sure to mix well, you should see foamy bubbles on the top.

Now, apply a little amount of that mixture on the stained or affected area of the mat, and start scrubbing with the soft scrubber. You can’t use metal or rough scrubber; doing so will tear the mat fabric.

First, you want to scrub the muddy and stained area thoroughly, using the needed amount of solution. And once you have eliminated all the dirt and stains, try to scrub the entire mat in a circular motion. 

When you’re done with the scrubbing, wash the mat with water and leave it to dry. It’s best to dry the mat as soon as possible; otherwise, the mat might get smelly.

Overexposure to UV-ray can damage the mat, hence, it’s best if you could use UV-protective spray all over the mat. 

4. Clean the Safety Pad 

Cleaning the safety pad is the same as cleaning the mat. You would want to remove the cover and put the foam aside. And then scrub the cover thoroughly.

Try your best not to make the foam wet, because foam takes a long time to dry properly. And if not dried properly, that’ll encourage mold growth.

5. Clean the Metal Parts

You can’t water wash the metal parts of a trampoline, that’ll invite rust. To clean the metal parts, take a dry cloth and wipe clean everything – including the legs, frame, springs, etc.

If you see rust in any spot, apply a rust remover and then brush the rust off with a nylon brush.

That being said, you can’t apply rust removal to the spring at any cost. Rust removers will damage the springs.

If the springs are already rusty, you’ll have to replace them. And if you find them OK, then apply lubricant properly so that they don’t get rusty and noisy.

Don’t forget to apply lubricants on the frames and other metal parts as well.  

How to Clean the rusty parts of a trampoline?

Here’s a guide on how to clean the rusty parts of a trampoline.

Firstly, it’s important to note that trampolines are often made of metal, which can rust over time if left exposed to the elements. Rust not only looks unsightly, but it can also weaken the structure of your trampoline, making it less safe to use. Therefore, it’s essential to clean any rusted parts as soon as possible.

To start, you’ll need a few supplies: a wire brush, sandpaper (medium to fine grit), a rust remover, a clean cloth, and some paint or a rust inhibitor (optional).

Begin by removing any loose rust with the wire brush. Be sure to wear gloves to protect your hands from any sharp edges or rust flakes. Use the wire brush to scrub the rusted area until all the loose rust is gone.

Next, use the sandpaper to smooth out the surface of the metal. Start with a medium grit sandpaper and work your way to a fine grit to create a smooth surface. Be sure to wipe away any debris with a clean cloth as you work.

Once the metal is smooth, apply the rust remover to the area following the manufacturer’s instructions. Let the rust remover sit for the recommended amount of time and then wipe away any excess with a clean cloth.

If you want to prevent the rust from returning, you can apply a rust inhibitor or paint to the clean surface. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application and let it dry completely before using the trampoline.

And that’s it! With a little bit of elbow grease and the right supplies, you can easily clean the rusty parts of your trampoline and keep it looking and functioning great for years to come.

Check the video for a better understanding-

Things Not to Do When Cleaning a Trampoline 

If you don’t have any experience in cleaning trampolines, then it’s no surprise that you’d not know some don’ts of it. Here are a few things that you should avoid when cleaning a trampoline-  

  • Never use any harsh cleaning chemicals on the mat since they can damage it. Plus, it can also wear the UV-resistance of the mat out.
  • Don’t use a power washer, it’ll tear the mat, if not, it’ll surely weaken the mat; hence it won’t last long.
  • Don’t get into cleaning the trampoline when it’s raining or snowing. The best time to clean a trampoline is when the sun’s shining the brightest so that you’ll be able to dry everything faster. 

Easy Way to Clean a trampoline


If you want to learn how to clean a trampoline, a definite guideline like the one we’ve just taken you through should be enough. It covers all the dos and don’ts so that you don’t end up damaging your trampoline. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Can you pressure wash a trampoline?

Nope! You should never use a pressure washer to clean a trampoline since that can create holes in the mat. And even if it doesn’t make any holes or tear the mat, it’ll definitely damage the mat; thus, it won’t last long.

How do I keep my outdoor trampoline clean?

The best way to keep your outdoor trampoline clean is to cover it with a thick sheet when not in use. In that way, dirt, debris, dust, bird droppings, etc., won’t be able to accumulate in the trampoline. And if you uncover the trampoline after a while, a minute of dry sweeping with a broom should clean it.

How do I get the black stuff off my trampoline?

When water wash isn’t enough, you’d need to scrub the black stuff off with the help of a cleaning solution. To make the cleaning solution, mix 2 tablespoons of dish soap in a bucket of water. After mixing it up properly, apply the solution on the black stuff, let the solution sit for a while, and then start scrubbing with a soft scrubber. 

Is it OK to leave a trampoline out in winter?

Not at all. You shouldn’t leave a trampoline exposed to snow, it will not only damage the mat but will also make the frame, springs, and all the metal parts rusty. 

Last Updated on August 25, 2023

Kai Wayne

Kai Wayne

In the last few years, I have gathered tons of experience in dealing with different sorts of problems that one can face while using trampolines. I run this site to offer helpful information you can rely on.

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